Friday, October 20, 2023

Was The Bible written TO you and FOR you!?


So, who are God’s people according to Scripture!?

Was The Bible written TO you and FOR you!?

God puts Himself in a box and that box is called “The Bible!”  Don’t add to or go beyond what is written and start making stuff up about God!!!

Why do people assume that the Bible was written TO them & FOR them when Scripture ain’t even addressed to them?

So when Paul writes around 50-60AD TO the church in Rome, Galatia, Corinth…., he’s actually writing TO you in the USA and FOR you in 2023AD.  Lol

When he writes TO TIMOTHY, TO TITUS, TO PHILEMON…, he’s actually writing TO YOU and FOR YOU in 2023AD even though your name ain’t on the epistle and their name's are!!. Makes absolute nonsense!  Smh. 

Do people today even know audience relevance, historical context, basic grammar, the 5 W’s: who what where when why how of a piece of literature?

Folks now have turned scripture into a MYSTICAL MAGIK HOROSCOPE book where the story is all centered around them and about them living their bestestes life now. LOL 

So According to Philippians 2:19, will Paul be sending Timothy to you shortly?  And how’s your condition?  LOLOLOL

Philippians 2:19

But I hope, in the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition.

This type of interpretation is LUDICROUS & HILARIOUS for all the Bible nincompoops out there which makes up a large population!  LOLOLOLOL 

Hermeneutics: the art and science of Interpretation simplified!

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