Monday, September 16, 2024

Quick History of How We Got The Bible


 Bible has been distributed in many ways over the centuries, including: 


Hand-copied manuscripts Before the printing press, the Bible was copied by hand on materials such as leather scrolls, papyrus, and beeswax. The oldest surviving New Testament manuscript is a fragment of papyrus containing part of John 18. 


Bible Societies In the 19th century, Bible Societies used pedlars to distribute the Bible. These pedlars were local to the areas they visited, and they would travel from house to house. 


Translations The Bible has been translated into many languages over the centuries. Some notable translations include: 

·      The Septuagint: A Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, completed around 130 BC 

·      The Syriac translation: The first translation of the Bible in the Christian era, around 170 AD 

·      The Nova Vulgata: A Latin translation of the Bible, promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1979 


Here are some other notable events in the history of the Bible:

·      The Ten Commandments were delivered to Moses around 1,400 BC.

·      The original Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament were completed around 500 BC.

·      The original Greek manuscripts of the New Testament were completed around the 1st century AD.

·      The first person to produce a handwritten manuscript of the complete Bible was John Wycliffe in 1384 AD. ·      

       The Gutenberg Bible: The first published Bible, completed in 1455 by Johannes Gutenberg. 

       The Great Bible: The first English language Bible authorized for public use, printed in 1539. 

       The Geneva Bible: The first English language Bible to add numbered verses to each chapter, printed in 1560.  

       The King James Version: A new translation of the Bible produced in 1603 by 50 scholars.  

The Roman Catholic Church repressed the Bible in vernacular languages throughout the Middle Ages aka they kept it in their magik language of Latin. The Protestant Reformation began in the late 14th century with the goal of putting the Bible into the hands of the masses in their own language. The Roman Catholic Church executed many people for reading, possessing, printing and owning bibles.  The Protestant Reformers were all former catholics reading the Bible and seeing all the Catholic BS hypocrisy and inconsistencies with Scripture, and thus, they PROTESTED and tried to REFORM the Pagan Catholic Church gone wild with no luck!   Christianity/ Churchianity is now divided into 3 major groups: Roman Catholics, Protestant (Reformed)/ Evangelicals, and Orthodox. 

The history of Bible translations includes many important milestones, including: 
  • 200 BC: The Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Old Testament, was completed. 
  • 382 AD: St. Jerome wrote the Latin Vulgate. 
  • 1382 AD: John Wycliffe produced the first complete Middle English translation of the Bible.
  • 1516 AD: Desiderius Erasmus published a Greek/Latin parallel New Testament. 
  • 1534 AD: Martin Luther published the first German translation of the Bible. 
  • 1530: William Tyndale produced the first modern English translation of the Bible. 
  • 1560: Geneva Bible:
  • 1611: The King James Version of the Bible was published, which retained much of Tyndale's work. 
  • 1764: Quaker Bible
  • 1862: Young's Literal Translation:
  • 1901: American Standard bible:
  • 1978: The New International Version was published, which became popular in Evangelical Protestant circles. 
  • 2001: The English Standard Version was published.

The Masses of people haven't had access to the Bible to read until the last few centuries.  It makes no sense to have tons of imminent time statements in The New Testament of events ABOUT TO, soon, AT HAND, in a little while, THIS GENERATION, some of you standing here... have the same meaning 1600-2000 years later!  That's beyond retarded!  Anyhu....

MOST PEOPLE THROUGHOUT HISTORY like CS LEWIS & THOSE READING THIS BELIEVE THAT CHRIST WAS A FALSE PROPHET about His return!  The serious bible student will see that all prophecies have all been fulfilled!!!

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