Monday, September 8, 2014

Storybooks by Tuese Ahkiong

by Tuese Ahkiong 4-4-13

Ain't it amazing where we find ourselves in life!?
Our crazy stories unwinding and finding new chapters to write;
Of the joys and pains;
Of the highs and drains
Of the sorrows and gains
Especially on the hips
And on the soul,
Oh no, these altering moments of the drama
Not in our pre-planned aspired script
Brings about lots of refining and grinding twists.
Usually through other characters in our tale;
Who go with their role
Encouragers and not
Blessing or Screwing with our plot.
Some who take our breath away
Some like a breath of fresh air
Some that are a stench of bad breath
And don’t care.
Oh how the heart aches and then sings
Is this some type of schizophrenic Dream?
Is this the we,
We use to be?
Are we still in a good way the same?
Did we change for the better?
Did we make a name and get the fame?
Did we tap out?
Waking up down the road
Do you believe you kissed a prince(ss) into a toad?
Our childhood hopes and dreams,
Are we blessed to see them stream,
Did we find the one to whom we’ll give all our “I love you’s?”
Did we go nuclear, mix, alternative family,
and get the abode, the white picket barrier, the K9 named Spot,
and the 2.47 offspring?
Are we enslaved and indebted to the banksters?
Did we get the “happily ever after”
that we’ve all been bread on?
Or are we with the one we DON’T want to be on,
I mean, with?
(It kind of just rhymed. Anyhow…)
Who gives you ideas of jumping off a cliff?
Who makes you feel like you’re living a dream
That’s a nightmare…?
Aiya! Let’s close this chapter!!!
Is this a good place for a huggy?
What about you singled, unmarried, bachelor(ette) singles
or those who want to be single peeps?
Are you diseased with being single and alone?
Where your family constantly asks “Why haven’t you BINGO-ed?”
To which I respond,
“There ain’t no Sovereign Grace Preterist Covenant Creationist Libertarian Flat Earth gals on ChristianMingle!
Are you able to still laugh at yourself?
Can you paint a smile in times of trials?
Now, are you where you imagined your story would be?
I am.
And it’s because of I AM,
The Lord, The Ultimate Writer and Author of my Life
Who predestines and causes all things to work together for good,
to those who have been called according to His purpose.
He has written out all the days of my life before one them came to be.
This is my comfort and sanity.
So, as Corrine Bailey Rae would sing,
I hope you get your dreams;
But more importantly I hope you come to know
The One who has written your entire life.
Because of God’s presence,
May others and yourself look back and say
Your life was a good read.

*This week, I've been dialoging with several old friends about our stories. There's been successes, love, happiness, romance, drama, break-ups, divorce, death, bankruptcy, losses, pain, shame, change (Some tripped out that I became a follower of Yeshua). I scrambled this piece together in thinking about how our lives are storybooks or like my book, "Life is a Poem."  And wahla another sigh of life!

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