Sunday, May 17, 2015

The War on Drugs is a war on people and freedom by Tuese Ahkiong

The War on Drugs is a war on people and freedom 
by Tuese Ahkiong

Are we as Americans and Human Beings free to put into our bodies whatsoever we choose as long as we do no harm to others and take full responsibility for our actions?

The Drug War has created the police state in which police can do violence to a person for possessing or even suspected of possessing a banned plant by the government.  It has also created the prison industry which is connected to the judicial system prosecuting non-violent crimes industry; a waste of time and money.  It has also created big profits for BIG PHARMA that makes drugs that kill more people than all illegal drugs combined.

Cigarettes (Nicotine) kills 480,000/ yr
Big Pharma Drugs kill 230,000/ yr
Alcohol kills 80,000/ yr
People killed by US Cops 1113 in 2014, 1216 in 2015, 1162 in 2016
Cannabis kills 0/ yr and ever

Cannabis has great medicinal benefits like killing cancer, fighting alzheimers, relieving aches & pain, cramps, seizures, stress, trouble sleeping, depression.  If one can grow their own medicine, it would destroy large profits for the BIG PHARMA corporations. This is why Cigarette, Big Pharma & Alcohol corporations support banning CANNABIS.

The drug dealing gangsters do not want Cannabis legalized because the black market makes them MONEY.
Politicians do not want Cannabis legalized because corporation support them with big MONEY.
Police do not want Cannabis legalized because by enforcing the failed war on drugs, they get MONEY.
Prisons do not want Cannabis legalized because the inmates the copsters arrest and jail, keep the flow of MONEY and they get to use them as slave labor.

Cannabis can revitalize an economy in many ways in many areas: fuel, lumber, paper, clothes, medicine, food, stress relief, recreation...  see Colorado.


Genesis 1:11-12 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:29And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

1 Corinthians 10:31   So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

"Whatever you do" like use MJ, do to YHWH's glory!

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