Gomez’s people raped and murdered Americans!
This leftist COMMIE has 4 mansions but does NOT open them up for her PEOPLE she cries about!!
COMMON SENSE and how did the govt setup a system where illegal aliens are allowed to break our laws and freeload off of taxpayers for decades!?
Illegal Aliens aka CRIMINALS are protesting the country whose laws they broke by entering unlawfully which designates them as a CRIMINAL. They have freeloaded off the US taxpayers & system for decades and generations and protesting the US LAW ENFORCEMENT ICE for not allowing them to break US LAW and freeload!!!
It’s nice the ILLEGALS are waving the flag of where they want to go back to! You might think it to be audacious to boast the flag of where they fled from over the host country that they are freeloading off!!!?
MUST WATCH https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT2MxfuJ8/
Illegal Alien CRIMINALS protesting the US Law Enforcement ICE demanding to continue break US laws and freeload off US Americans while waving the flag of the country their true allegiance is to!!!
INVASION a TROJAN HORSE to DESTROY AMERICA!? Have ENEMIES within funded & orchestrated the transportation coordination food lodge clothes cellphones w funds for those from Asia China Middle East Africa central&South America… to walk or swim thousands of miles & just show up at the US border healthy males of military age not looking tired from a long journey but dressed well?
Will the Democrats & Rinos who are trying to destroy the 2nd Amendment & disarm Americans,
will they ARM their invading army of millions of illegal aliens, plus use the UN to OVERTHROW THE USA!???
There’s word that they want illegal aliens to be US cops & US military!
Easier to control an illegal alien who has NO allegiance to America, to turn on The American people and gun them down!
WAKE UP, PATRIOTS! The water is getting HOT and READY TO BOIL US DEAD of FREEDOM & LIFE! They are trying to replace us! https://tueseahkiong.blogspot.com/2024/02/the-first-act-of-illegal-aliens-is.html?m=1
LEFTIST DEMOCRAT CITIES & STATES PROTECTING THE IDENTITY OF CRIMINALS. https://tueseahkiong.blogspot.com/2024/03/leftist-democrat-cities-states.html?m=1
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