Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Submarine vs Space Ships


Allegedly there are over 10,000 satellites orbiting earth, so where’s the over 10,000+ pictures, videos or 24/7 live coverage of the globe earth spinning at 1000 mph, orbiting sun at 66,600 mph?


Video of Eclipses?


Has anyone ever seen one of the 10,000 satellites in the background of one of NASA’s photos of video ever?


Does NASA have a 24 hour video of the earth from any satellite?


Does nasa share video and pictures of other galaxies, “planets,” stars… millions and billions of miles away?

Hell yah, it does, and has Hollywood movie special effects extraordinaire quality, too, like land rovers on Mars being remote controlled from earth or ISS. LOL

And does GOVT NASA $pend billion$ of our tax dollar$ on their LIE$ & fakery to deceive the masses?



ISS “Proof Revealed: The International Space Station is Actually a Hoax!" 2024 https://tueseahkiong.blogspot.com/2024/05/proof-revealed-international-space.html


THERMOSPHERE  https://tueseahkiong.blogspot.com/2024/03/thermosphere.html?m=1

THERE’S PEOPLE WHO CLAIM THEY’VE SEEN THE ISS TRAVELING 10 TIMES THE SPEED OF A BULLET 250 MILES UP IN THE SKY. Lol. https://tueseahkiong.blogspot.com/2024/05/theres-people-who-claim-theyve-seen-iss.html?m=1

Other submarine news:

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