Monday, July 8, 2024

List Of Names In The Bible From A To Z (Their Biblical Meanings)

List Of Names In The Bible From A To Z (Their Biblical Meanings) The complete list of biblical names and their meanings

  1. Abel - Breath, Vanity

  2. Abraham - Father of a Multitude

  3. Adam - Earth, Man

  4. Ahab - Uncle, Brother of the Father

  5. Amos - Burden, Burden-bearer

  6. Andrew - Manly, Strong

  7. Asher - Happy, Blessed

  8. Asshur - Who is Upright, Who is Happy

  9. Abaddon - Destruction, Ruin

  10. Abagtha - Father of Fortune

  11. Abednego - Servant of Nego (a Babylonian deity)

  12. Abigail - Father's Joy
  13. Anna - Favor, Grace, Beautiful
  14. Baal - Lord, Master

  15. Baal-hanan - Baal is gracious

  16. Baara - Burning

  17. Baaseiah - In the assembly of the Lord

  18. Baalath - Mistress, Lady

  19. Baasha - He seeks or gnashes

  20. Babylon - Confusion, mixture

  21. Babylonian - Pertaining to Babylon

  22. Baali - My lord

  23. Babylonish - Pertaining to Babylon

  24. Barachel - God has blessed me
  25. Caleb - "Faithful, devotion"

  26. Cain - "Possession"

  27. Cainan - "Dwelling"
  28. Caleb - "Devotion, bold"

  29. Canaan - "Land of purple"

  30. Candace - "Pure, sincere"

  31. Carcas - "Fortune"

  32. Carmi - "My vineyard"

  33. Chalcol - "Perfect"

  34. Chaldeans - "Wise, astrologers"

  35. Chelub - "My heart"

  36. Chenani - "Of God's graciousness"

  37. Cheran - "My anger"

  38. Chezib - "Falsehood"

  39. Chilion - "Pining"

  40. Chimham - "Longing"

  41. Chloe - "Blooming"

  42. Chorazin - "Furnace"

  43. Christ - "Anointed One"

  44. Cis - "Hard, stiff"

  45. Claudia - "Lame"

  46. Cleopas - "Of a renowned father"

  47. Clement - "Mild, gentle"

  48. Cleophas - "Of a renowned father"

  49. Cnidus - "Nettle"

  50. Cozbi - "Lie, falsehood"

  51. Coz - "Thorn"
  52. David - Beloved or cherished

  53. Daniel - God is my judge

  54. Deborah - Bee or honey bee

  55. Delilah - Delicate or weak

  56. Dorcas - Gazelle

  57. Dinah - Judged or vindicated

  58. Darius - Upholder or possessor

  59. Demetrius - Devoted to Demeter (Greek goddess of agriculture)

  60. Dathan - Fountain or law

  61. Davidic - Related to David

  62. Deuteronomy - Second law

  63. Dedan - Low country or pasture

  64. Darda - Pearl of wisdom

  65. Dan - Judge or he will judge

  66. Daughter of Zion - Symbolic reference to Jerusalem

  67. Dawn - Early morning or the beginning

  68. Dedication - Act of consecrating or setting apart for a divine purpose
  69. Eber - "the region beyond"

  70. Eden - "delight"

  71. Edom - "red"

  72. Elam - "eternity"

  73. Eliezer - "God is my help"

  74. Elisha - "God is salvation"

  75. Elkanah - "God has possessed"

  76. Enoch - "dedicated" or "initiated"

  77. Ephraim - "fruitful"

  78. Esau - "hairy" or "rough"

  79. Ethan - "firmness" or "strength"

  80. Eve - "life" or "living"

  81. Ezekiel - "God will strengthen"
  82. Faith - Complete trust and confidence in God.

  83. Festus - Joyful or festive.

  84. Felix - Happy or fortunate.

  85. Fenelon - Little marsh or wetland.

  86. Festus - Festive or joyful.

  87. Filthy - Dirty or impure.

  88. Fisher - One who catches fish.

  89. Folly - Foolishness or lack of wisdom.

  90. Fortunatus - Lucky or prosperous.

  91. Festus - Festive or joyful.

  92. Felix - Happy or fortunate.

  93. Fenelon - Little marsh or wetland.

  94. Fisher - One who catches fish.

  95. Folly - Foolishness or lack of wisdom.

  96. Fortunatus - Lucky or prosperous.
  97. Gideon - "mighty warrior"

  98. Goliath - "exile" or "uncover"

  99. Gamaliel - "reward of God"

  100. Gehazi - "valley of vision"

  101. Gad - "fortune" or "luck"
  102. Gideon - "feller" or "hewer"

  103. Gabriel - "God is my strength"

  104. Gedaliah - "Yahweh is great"

  105. Geber - "manly"

  106. Gershom - "a stranger there"

  107. Gomer - "completion" or "to complete"

  108. Gazelle - "graceful" or "swift"

  109. Gebal - "boundary" or "border"

  110. Gadarenes - "reward at the end" or "reward of the high place"

  111. Gareb - "scabby" or "scrape"

  112. Gilboa - "boiling spring" or "swimming pool"

  113. Golgotha - "place of a skull" or "place of a head"

  114. Gabbatha - "elevated place" or "platform"

  115. Goshen - "approaching" or "drawing near"
  116. Hagar - "flight" or "emigration"

  117. Haggai - "festive" or "festal"

  118. Ham - "hot" or "burnt"

  119. Hananiah - "Yahweh has been gracious"

  120. Hannah - "grace" or "favor"

  121. Haran - "mountaineer" or "barren"

  122. Haven - "place of safety" or "refuge"

  123. Hazael - "God has seen"

  124. Hazarmaveth - "village of death"

  125. Heber - "passing over" or "one who crosses over"

  126. Hebron - "association" or "fellowship"
  127. Ichabod - The glory has departed.

  128. Ignatius - Fiery one.

  129. Ira - Watchful.

  130. Isaac - He will laugh, laughter.

  131. Isaiah - God is salvation.

  132. Ishmael - God hears.

  133. Israel - God contends or strives with man/strives with God.

  134. Itiel – God is my strength or labour of God.

  135. Ithamar- Palm island, island of palms
  136. Jabez - sorrowful or borne in pain

  137. Jacob - supplanter or deceiver

  138. Jadon - God has heard or God has judged

  139. Jael - mountain goat or wild goat

  140. Jair - one who enlightens or one who shines

  141. Jairus - Jehovah has enlightened or Jehovah has uplifted

  142. Japheth - enlarged or fair

  143. Jared - one who descends or one who rules

  144. Jason - healer or one who cures

  145. Jehoahaz: - Yahweh has seized or Yahweh has grasped

  146. Jehoiachin - Yahweh establishes or Yahweh will establish

  147. Jehoiada - known by Yahweh or Yahweh knows

  148. Jehoiakim - Yahweh raises or Yahweh establishes

  149. Jehoram - Yahweh is exalted or Yahweh is elevated

  150. Jehoshaphat - Yahweh has judged or Yahweh has rendered judgment

  151. Jehu - Yahweh is he or Yahweh is God

  152. Jeremiah - Yahweh will raise or Yahweh will exalt

  153. Jeroboam - the people contend or the people increase

  154. Jerubbaal - let Baal contend or let Baal rule

  155. Jerusalem - foundation of peace or possession of peace

  156. Jeshua - Yahweh is salvation or Yahweh saves

  157. Jesse - gift or wealthy

  158. Jesus - Yahweh is salvation or Yahweh saves

  159. Jethro - abundance or superiority

  160. Joab - Yahweh is father or Yahweh is my father

  161. Joah - Yahweh is brother or Yahweh is my brother

  162. Joanna - Yahweh is gracious or Yahweh is merciful

  163. Joash - Yahweh is strong or Yahweh is firm

  164. Job - persecuted or hated

  165. Jochebed - Yahweh is glory or Yahweh is honor

  166. Joel - Yahweh is God or Yahweh is willing

  167. John - Yahweh is gracious or Yahweh is merciful

  168. Jonah - dove or pigeon

  169. Jonathan - Yahweh has given or Yahweh has bestowed

  170. Joram - exalted by Yahweh or elevated by Yahweh

  171. Jordan - descending or flowing down

  172. Joseph - he will add or he will increase

  173. Joshua - Yahweh is salvation or Yahweh saves

  174. Josiah - Yahweh supports or Yahweh heals

  175. Jotham - Yahweh is upright or Yahweh is perfect

  176. Judah - praised or celebrated

  177. Judas - praised or celebrated

  178. Jude - praised or celebrated
  180. Kainan - Possession

  181. Kedar - Black, Dark

  182. Kedemah - Ancient

  183. Kehelathah - Assembly, Congregation

  184. Kehelahath - Assembly, Congregation

  185. Kelaiah - God has taken away

  186. Kelita - God conceals, hidden

  187. Kemuel - God has raised up

  188. Kenan - Possession

  189. Kenezite - Descendant of Kenaz

  190. Kenizzite - Descendant of Kenaz

  191. Keziah - Cinnamon-like fragrance

  192. Kibroth Hattaavah - Graves of Craving

  193. Kidron - Dark, Tenebrous

  194. Kir - Wall, Fortress

  195. Kir Haraseth - Fortress or city of Moab

  196. Kir Heres - City of Media

  197. Kir Ijareseth - City of Media

  198. Kislev - Ninth month of the Hebrew calendar

  199. Kitron - Spur, Thorn

  200. Koa - Hopeful, Strong, Brave

  201. Kohath - Assembly, Congregation

  202. Korah - Ice, Snow, Baldness

  203. Koz - Thorn bush, Thorn

  204. Kushaiah - Bow of the Lord

  205. Kushan-Rishathaim - Double-wicked Kushan

  206. Kushite - Descendant of Cush
  207. Levi - attached or joined

  208. Lot - veil or covering

  209. Lamech - powerful or mighty

  210. Laban - white or shining

  211. Lazarus - God has helped

  212. Luke - light-giving or illumination

  213. Lois - desirable or pleasing

  214. Lucius - light or shining

  215. Lemuel - devoted to God

  216. Lydia - from Lydia, a region in Asia Minor

  217. Leah - weary or tired

  218. Lazarus - God has helped

  219. Lydia - from Lydia, a region in Asia Minor

  220. Leah - weary or tired
  221. Moses - "drawn out" or "son"

  222. Miriam - "rebellious" or "bitter"

  223. Melchizedek - "king of righteousness"

  224. Methuselah - "man of the dart" or "man of the javelin"

  225. Micah - "who is like Yahweh"

  226. Matthew - "gift of Yahweh" or "gift from God"

  227. Mark - "warlike" or "hammer"

  228. Mary - "bitter" or "beloved"

  229. Martha - "lady" or "mistress"

  230. Marah - "bitterness" or "rebellion"

  231. Malachi - "messenger of God" or "my messenger"

  232. Magi - "wise men" or "astrologers"

  233. Manasseh - "causing to forget" or "one who forgets"

  234. Matthew - "gift of Yahweh" or "gift from God"

  235. Mordecai - "devotee of Marduk" or "servant of Marduk"
  236. Nadab - 'generous.'

  237. Nahum - 'comfort.'

  238. Nathan - 'God has given.'

  239. Nehemiah - 'The Lord comforts.'

  240. Noah - 'rest, comfort' or literally ‘long-lasting’.

  241. Noe - 'movement, migratory'.

  242. Nogah - 'Beauty, splendor'.

  243. Nahor - in the Hebrew language, “snorting” or “grunting”.

  244. Naamah - pleasant.

  245. Naphtali - ‘struggle/wrestling’.
  247. Obadiah - Servant of the Lord.

  248. Oded - Restored or strengthened by Jehovah.

  249. Ofrah - Fawn or young Deer.

  250. Og - Long-necked, Strength.

  251. Ohad - Unity, Gathering Together.

  252. Oholah - Her Own Tabernacle.

  253. Oholibah - My Tent is in Her.

  254. Omri - Servant of God or Verdure of God.

  255. Onam - Pleasantness or Reliable Strength.

  256. Onan - Mourner's luck, Vigour and strength was granted to him from the Lord.

  257. Ophel - Bulwark of God, Serpents Mound.

  258. Osborn - Probably derived from Osiris, a god worshipped in ancient Egypt, meaning "one who rules all".

  259. Othniel - Lion of God or The Force/Strength/Army Of God
  260. Penuel - Face of God

  261. Pharaoh - Great House

  262. Pharisees - Separated Ones

  263. Philemon - Affectionate

  264. Philip - Lover of Horses

  265. Philetus - Friendly

  266. Phinehas - Oracle

  267. Phlegon - Burning Ones

  268. Phygellus - Sound, Healthy

  269. Pilate - Skilled with a Spear

  270. Pisgah - Cleft

  271. Pison - Increase

  272. Plato - Broad

  273. Pontius - Sea

  274. Poplius - Grandfather

  275. Porcius - Pig

  276. Potiphar - Bull of the Sun

  277. Prisca - Ancient

  278. Priscilla - Ancient

  279. Publius - Public

  280. Pudens - Shamefaced

  281. Purim - Lot

  282. Put - Opened
  283. Quartus – Born fourth

  284. Quirinius – Wielder of the spear
  285. Reuben - Behold, a son!

  286. Rachel - Ewe, female sheep

  287. Reuel - Friend of God

  288. Ruth - Companion, friend

  289. Rezin - Firm, steady

  290. Rizpah - Hot stone, live coal

  291. Rufus - Red-haired

  292. Saul - "asked for" or "prayed for"
  293. Samson - "sun" or "a sun and shield"

  294. Samuel - "heard by God" or "name of God"

  295. Sarah - "princess" or "noblewoman"

  296. Simeon - "he who hears" or "obedient"

  297. Solomon - "peaceful" or "peace-loving"

  298. Stephen - "crown" or "crowned one"

  299. Seth - "appointed" or "placed"

  300. Silas - "man of the forest" or "wood-dweller"

  301. Shem - "name" or "renown"

  302. Simeon - "he who hears" or "obedient"

  303. Thaddeus: "Courageous heart" or "praise"

  304. Tamar: "Date palm" or "palm tree"

  305. Tobias: "God is good" or "Yahweh is good"

  306. Titus: "Giant" or "honorable"

  307. Timothy: "Honoring God" or "one who honors God"

  308. Tabitha: "Gazelle" or "doe"

  309. Thomas: "Twin" or "a twin"

  310. Trinity: "Threefold" or "three in one"

  311. Tychicus: "Fortunate" or "fortunate one"

  312. Uzzah - "strength" or "courage"

  313. Uzziah - "my strength is Jehovah"

  314. Uzziel - "God is my strength"

  315. Vashti - "beautiful" or "goodness" 

  316. Vine - Refers to the vine plant

  317. Vashtai - "beautiful" or "goodness" 

  318. Vophsi -"my guile or my falsehood" 
  319. Zacchaeus - "pure" or "innocent"

  320. Zebedee - "gift of God"

  321. Zebulun - "dwelling" or "honor"

  322. Zedekiah - "righteousness of the Lord"

  323. Zephaniah - "hidden by God"

  324. Zerubbabel - "born in Babylon" or "seed of Babylon"

  325. Ziba - "posture" or "station"

  326. Zillah - "shade" or "shadow"

  327. Zimri - "praiseworthy" or "my music"

  328. Zophar - "sparrow" or "twittering"

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