Saturday, May 11, 2024

Is the sun really 93 millions miles away and if earth simply turns a few degrees, the sun then is 100-1000 times smaller or bigger!, Are these NASAholes LYING to us!!??

We have been LIED to and BRAINWASHED about almost EVERYTHING!!!!

NASA claims about sun earth moon

in miles

distance from earth















The diameter of the earth is 7,926 miles and it’s spinning at 1040 mph at the equator. 

The sun is alleged to be 93,000,000 miles away from earth and so much bigger than earth that 1,300,000 earths can fit into it.  It said to be 109 times the diameter of the earth!  

When one observes the sun, it looks about the same size as the moon.  Both appear smaller than the earth and close to the earth as we observe.  

We have been LIED to by the elites so they can control and manipulate us with their pseudoscience bs!

Moon orbits earth elliptically (speeds up and slows down) at 2282 mph,

while earth is spinning at 1040 mph. 

Earth is orbiting sun elliptically (speeds up and slows down) at 66,600 mph,

while sun is orbiting Milky Way (speeds up and slows down) at 514,000 mph. 

Milky Way is rocketing at 1,340,000 mph relative to the Cosmic Microwave Background….

…and with all these speeds in different directions, we don’t feel any motions whatsoever means we are being played aka LIED to & BRAINWASHED by NASAholes!!!!  WTFU!!

An object 93 millions miles away would show distinguishable change in size!  And because we see dramatic changes in size from 10 to 100 times in size means we have been LIED to and the sun is a whole lot closer and smaller than the earth, just as it appears and we experience it above our flat nonrotating earth. 

 Is the sun really 93 millions miles away if earth simply turns a few degrees and the sun is 1000 times smaller or bigger!,  Are these NASAholes LYING to us about all their claims about the sun, moon, stars and earth!?

  - Hellyah they are!

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