Friday, May 24, 2024



What does Seventh-day Adventism teach?

by Matt Slick | Dec 5, 2008 | Seventh Day AdventismWorld Religions

Some of the key doctrines and teachings of Seventh-day Adventism.  Is it Christian? Does it teach aberrant doctrines?


  1. The Bible is inspired and the word of God.
  2. Trinitarian: The Father, Son, Holy Spirit are all one God in three persons.
  3. Jesus is God and has always existed with the Father.
  4. The Holy Spirit is a person.
  5. Jesus’ sacrifice was vicarious.
  6. Salvation is by grace, not works.
  7. Jesus rose from the dead physically in his glorified body.
  8. Jesus ascended bodily into heaven.
  9. Baptism is by immersion
  10. The literal, visible return of Jesus.
  11. Jesus will return to set up a millennial kingdom.  They are Premillennial.
  12. Literal six-day creation, not long periods.


  1. Denies the doctrine of predestination
  2. Denies baptism by sprinkling
  3. Denies infant baptism.
  4. Denies the immortality of the soul.
  5. Denies the eternality of hellfire.
  6. Denies any use of alcohol (as a drink) or tobacco.


  1. Our sins will ultimately be placed on Satan.1White, Ellen, The Great Controversy, p. 422, 485.
  2. Jesus is Michael the Archangel.
  3. Worship must be done on Saturday (the Sabbath).
  4. On October 22, 1844, Jesus entered the second and last phase of His atoning work.
  5. Investigative Judgment – the fate of all people will be decided based upon this event in the future.
  6. The dead do not exist anymore — soul sleep.
  7. The wicked are annihilated.
  8. Ellen G. White, the “founder” of Seventh-day Adventism, was a messenger from God gifted with the spirit of prophecy.
  9. There is a sanctuary in heaven where Jesus carries out his mediatorial work.

Former Seventh-day Adventist Pastor for 13 Years Gives His Testimony Why Adventism is Wrong

Ellen White's Seventh-day Adventism Qualifies as a Pseudo-Christian Anti-Christ American Cult

Former Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Exposes the Lies & Intentional Deceits of Ellen White & the SDA

Ellen G. White Exposed (Prophet or Pretender)


Prophecy Blunders of Ellen G. White their inspired prophet!

Ellen G. White (1827­-1915)

SDA's please explain why you hold Ellen G White as an authority when she has clearly failed. What is the point. How is that not rebellion and disobediance to the Lord?

7 False Predictions from Ellen G. White - Seventh Day Adventist

False prophecy #1.

Jerusalem will never be built up again, Early Writings, p. 75 - EGW FAILED

Jereusalem will be trampled under foot until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled. Luke 21:24 -Jesus - Fulfilled

False prophecy #2

England will attack the United STATES during the civil war Ellen White, Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 259. - FAILED

False Prophecy #3

The Civil War is a sign the Jesus is about to Return Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 260 -FAILED

False Prophecy #4

Jesus would return in a few months (1850) Early Writings, p. 58 - FAILED

False Prophecy #5 

Adventist alive in 1856 would be alive to see Jesus return. Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 131-132. - FAILED, they are all dead.

False Prophecy #6 

Christ would return BEFORE Slavery was Abolished.Early Writings, pp 35 - FAILED Slavery was abolished in 1864.

False Prophecy #7 

She saw Enoch on Jupiter or Saturn Early Writings, pp. 39-40- Failed. No one lives on Jupiter or Saturn.

Who are the Seventh Day Adventists

SDA’s Bible is 

The Clear Word Bible and Miscellaneous Verses

The Clear Word Bible is a Seventh-day Adventist paraphrase of the Bible that alters numerous verses to bring them in line with SDA doctrine. Here is a list of different verses that are not under any particular theme.

New American Standard BibleClear Word BibleComment
Psalm 5:5The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes. You hate all who do iniquity.Pride is offensive to you and you recoil at the sight of wickedness.Here an apparent preference to show God as being loving to all has overshadowed the actuality of what the text actually says.
Psalm 11:5The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates.The Lord tests the faith of the righteous. He despises the arrogance of the wicked and their love of violence because of the pain and hurt it brings on others.Here the text is altered so that God does not hate an individual, but hates the sin of the individual.  This is a common statement made by people who want God to only be a God of love and so lessen his justice, holiness, and judgment upon the sinner.
Daniel 8:14He said to me, “For 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the holy place will be properly restored.”He answered, “After two thousand, three hundred prophetic days (which represent actual years), God will restore the truth about the heavenly Sanctuary to its rightful place. Then the process of judgment will begin of which the yearly cleansing of the earthly Sanctuary was a type, and God will vindicate His people.”This verse is well-known among Seventh Day Adventists, and you can clearly see that it is changed to suit SDA doctrine.  It is unfortunate that such changes are made in this “paraphrase,” especially since it does not reflect the original text.
John 6:65And He was saying, “For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father.”He continued, “No one can believe in me unless he first responds to the love of my Father, who will then enable him.”The obvious man-centered nature of SDA doctrine comes through loud and clear.  Instead of God being the Sovereign Lord who grants that we come to Christ, the Clear Word Bible paraphrase changes the entire meaning of the text so that coming to Christ is completely in the hands of the sinner and his sinful free will instead of what Christ actually said.
Rom. 9:13Just as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”That’s what God wants us to understand when in the Scriptures He says, “I have chosen Jacob, the younger one, not Esau, the older one.”This specific verse is not simply about God choosing Jacob over Esau.  The verse clearly tells us that God clearly hated Esau.  Such truths do not fit into a lot of people’s theology, and obviously, it does not fit into the Seventh Day Adventist framework either.  But the verse still says what it says, and the CWB should reflect what it says, not what SDA doctrine wants it to say.
1 Tim. 2:12-13But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.I do not allow a woman to lord over a man the false claim that a woman was created first as the pagans teach. 13 Adam was created first and then Eve, not the other way around. Woman was molded from a rib taken from man’s side, made to be equal with him, not to exercise authority over him.This verse is important because it deals with the authority structure of the church and how women are not to be in teaching authority positions over men.  Since Ellen G. White was a woman who founded the Seventh Day Adventist movement and was in a teaching authority, this verse must be altered;  and it is, drastically.  It is so badly paraphrased that it clearly violates the original teaching. Such strained renderings show the difficulty in harmonizing the Bible and SDA doctrine.


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