Psychology of Heliocentric Model & Who is They
Why its not some grand conspiracy, and why it doesn't need to be...
The biggest question however, that has not been sufficiently answered is Why?
Why have all these thousands of people "lie" to us about the shape of the earth? Or satellites or NASA or space... and on and on they go... or gravity or rockets or astronauts.
That is one of the questions I get the most. There's a big misconception about how many people would actually have to be in on the "joke" as it were... and the number is actually not that many.
Yes it's that simple. Especially with people that do not do their own due diligence. There's a saying that I say quite a bit...
Know what you know because you know what you know not because you've been told what to know. Ya know?
So suggestibility to a/the crowd, the individual in that crowds psychology is subordinated to a ‘collective mentality” which radically transforms individual behavior. It's that simple.
3rd. Strategy of distraction
There are two main components to the psychology behind keeping people following a certain paradigm.
Maintaining public attention diverted away from the real social problems, captivated by matters of no real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, no time to think, back to farm and to the other animals.
Use their emotional side more than allowing to reflect and think. Making use of the emotional aspect, causing a short circuit on rational analysis, and finally to the critical sense of the individual. Also the use of the individuals emotional register to open the door to the unconscious for implantation and grafting ideas , desires, fears , compulsions, or induce behaviors … but the most important tool is ones anxieties.
Keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity.
Making the public incapable of understanding the technologies and methods used to control and enslavement. And To encourage the public to be complacent with mediocrity.
The Heliocentric [TP] Thought Process has 3 Layers of Deception
Condition, Instill, Indoctrinate, Inculcate.
Subtly program children through the educational system from pre-school to eighth grade.
Without #1 there would be no round world ball discussion. Remember that.
Reaffirming and repetition stage.
NASA, World Governments etc.
Haven't you seen it on TV?
Global Warming is a big guilt stage construct
You and your children are destroying the planet! We will one day soon have to leave this planet.
Criticism, the most powerful tool...
Subjects are made to feel uncertain, under the constant threat of being humiliated and being despised by their piers.
So you may be asking what is the point of deceiving us?
To disprove the existence of God.
This whole round world deception came about to disapprove the existence of God. Which I have documented thoroughly.
Read below this post, who is "They" for a full explanation.
You also ask why lie about the moon landing?
What better way to control the masses. If you could get and keep everyone believing with every fiber of there being that we landed on the moon... and when someone wants to shed light on that deception to bring the truth about In a real quantifiable method about our stationary construct, naturally become an outcast a conspiracy theorist nut job. Why? Because the people telling you are smarter than you, So “they” say or so they think. And what better way than to have millions upon millions of people dog pile on you. Shut you down, because as we know in this safe room snowflake place we call reality people do not like to stand up for their convictions (if they have any) in this new world of being offended.
The only constants they have in their lives is that of government, the media with their disinformation that these sheep have glommed on to, and are more than happy to disseminate their new found beliefs to the uninformed masses.
Continues to perpetuate the lie that there is outer space, that there are planets, that there are galaxies. It just reinforces the deception.
What about the space program?
Well this is an easy one... Money, and to keep the lie going. I mean who's gonna make fun of astronauts?
What is their motivation this Luciferian Controlled New World Order System?
To deceive as many as possible.
We're just too busy to look outside of the box. We don't care, why should we? We've got a career, we're making money, we have families, we have places to be on Saturday night, we have date night with our wives, it's not that hard to understand the simplistic nature of a human being. So for all intensive purposes, humans are lazy and we are fallible. We don't want to think outside the box. It's uncomfortable, it makes us feel like we're back in school perhaps. We don't have to because we're comfortable with our lives. Shit Im making money, I am enjoying what I think is a "free" life in this construct in which I live.
So you must understand that there is no big conspiracy. It's not that complex.
Yes I am full aware of the history and where "They" are today.
Globies, there is a reason why...
Why you believe in a round world.
You heliocentric types have to quit thinking and being so one dimensional. Understand that this game was already in full swing by the time we showed up.
Lets you and I forget if the earth is flat or the world is round.
You must first understand why it is we find ourselves where we are today. It all started with the Merovingians.
This writing catches up with the bloodline during Constantine's rain. Understanding that it goes back many many centuries before.
I have been asked this many times...
When you say ~"They"~ in your writings, who are you referring too?
I always give my standard answer of The Lucifarian Controlled New World Order System, that’s who "They" are.
So welcome to the land of the Merovingian Oz
And for the most part those who know or understand or have heard of the New World Order it suffices as an answer for "them" to be an accurate and correct answer. But for the agnostics and atheists it kind of falls on deaf ears but they do understand the connotation.
On occasion, I am also asked: “What is this Luciferian Controlled New World Order System, you always talk about? And more specifically, what the person is actually asking is... is who is running the show? They want to be able to see behind the curtain as it were.
Well that in and of itself is a very big question, it’s a very important question, and for those that don't quite understand the nuances of this construct in which we live, it's a question that deserves an answer. I've never written anything about the heliocentric timeline with respect to the players and how "they" have kept the round world the purveying "belief" and the psychology behind how it can remain a secret hidden in plain sight. Or how we ended up in 2017 as smart as we think we are, with what seems to be the biggest "conspiracy" ever perpetrated on mankind.
And how is that there could be so many people in on this cover-up, not only so many people, but how in Gods creation have sooooo many people been able to keep this Flat Earth a secret for so long from so many?
If you are a round world or heliocentric believer reading this, that's exactly what you're asking:
And by all accounts it's a very fair question. How can we get anyone to believe in the truth of this flat world if we are unable to point to the reason why you don't know about it in the first place m?
Or even better... why is it you have never even heard of it?
For those that are critical thinkers, isn't that the next "evolutionary" question you would have on your journey to search for truth is "how?" How can it be and how has it remained... a secrete?
There is no way it can be a secret hidden in plain sight, this flat earth thing. There is no such thing as a flat earth, it does not exist! This is what you're telling yourself.
"Let me tell you why? Alright for starters flat earther" you say. "First there would have to be to many people in on this cover up to keep it a secret from the population."
And that's it right there...
That statement right there is the full thrust of the argument that keeps them turned away from the truth. It's the one statement that after they've been shown all of the quantifiable, all of the documentable, and all of the visual proof, of a flat earth. It keeps them on the heliocentric path, never following their instincts that would lead them off. That statement is a get out of jail free card, and it's the statement in and of itself that is the last bastion that will keep them locked in their "belief" of a round spinning blue marble.
The position that people take when they are "emphatically" asserting that the earth is indeed round. They'll turn to you and say:
That "yes indeed!!!" We've been told and we've been shown that we live on a spinning round blue marble! They continue: We are indeed spinning 1014mph at the equator. Yes indeed we are 93,000,000 miles away from the sun as we are told we are. We are indeed moving at 66,000mph around our sun too, they tell you very confidently. And on top of all that, you know what else? While we spin and while we move around the sun, we are also moving through the huge expanding Milky Way Galaxy at 500,000mph, all of us together in this Milky Way galaxy are also all speeding through the ever expanding solar system, perusing through at 2,000,000mph...
Whew! And as they catch their breath. And as they calm down from their excitement from sharing with you what they know about the universe.
They'll not mention this fact that they too are also a part of... And what is that fact?
Well that back here on earth... as we stand still in our home, or outside on the corner, or inside a restaurant, we feel nothing. We feel nothing moving against us, we feel nothing moving on us, we feel absolutely no motion from all of the motion we're supposed to be part of?
We absolutely feel nothing and definitely no unsteadiness on our feet.
And they will never ask "why" again, because there would have to be to many people in on this cover up to keep it a secret from the population. They will discount their very own senses and quietly acquiesce to the popular belief.
So as best I can, Im going to clarify and lay out specificity the control system that we were all born into.
They & Their Control System
It was during Constantine's reign, when the Catholic Church became the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Marrying together the church and the crown. Catholicism became even that much more solidified in the teachings of the Luciferian Doctrine i.e. Sun Worship during this time. Have you ever stop to notice the Catholic Church is filled with suns? It is filled with all types of symbolism of the Sun. Sun worship was an understood part of these teachings, and it took another 1600 years before it was actually brought into the open by the catholic church. Do you ever ask yourself why we are taught Sunday is the Sabbath and not Saturday?
So “They”, is specifically first and foremost referring to the Jesuits. And the start of this heliocentric model we find ourselves in the grips of today. For those who don’t know the heliocentric model started in the 1500s, where it became part of the doctrine/teaching of the Catholic Church. It wasn’t an overnight sensation, but to suffice it to say that by 1737 when the scientific revolution came to an end, the heliocentric world was at its beginning.
The Jesuit movement was founded by Ignatius de Loyola, a Spanish soldier turned priest, in or around August of 1534. Unable to travel to Jerusalem to stop the slaughter of Christans by Muslims because of his designation in the Catholic church forbid him too. And because of his low level designation in the Turkish wars at the time. He made the decision that in order to become an order that could wield the power of the church. That he and his fellow soldiers/priests needed the Pope to ordained a new order to encompass his ideas and plans. So once the time allowed they went to Rome to meet with the pope and request permission to form this new religious order. In September 1540, Pope Paul III approved Ignatius’ outline of the Society of Jesus, and the Jesuit were born.
They didn't start out worshiping Lucifer, but it was in short order that they turned from Christ, towards the one who they saw as the real ruler of earth. There is some debate on whether or not this was Ignatius plan from the beginning, but nevertheless it is where they ended up and where they are today. The Jesuits for those who don't know are teach the worshiping of the sun. They teach the Luciferian doctrine. Lucifer the Light Bearer, and His teachings direct their path and is their God. The Jesuits starting in the 1500's perpetuated the heliocentric model as a way to hide who "they" knew was the creator. Their whole purpose is to shift peoples thoughts to who they wanted to be the creator of their “flat world”. So presto the round world became the dominant teachings of the Catholic Church. Its sole purpose is to hide the flat world and change it to something opposite, something, dare I say, Anti-Flat?
And with the advent of the scientific revolution in the 1500's, they had all the fuel they needed and were able to solidify the round world view and the start of the indoctrination and teachings of the heliocentric model.
Then Darwin rears his head in the 1800's and came up with his revolutionary theory of evolution. And now the church really had some meat to hang their new round world, heliocentric model on. Have you ever thought to ask yourself why a church that we "think" is supposed to believe in God and His creation is pushing an evolution doctrine? If you believe in evolution you cannot believe in any god.
The church first brought evolution i.e. the round world into the fold in 1950 with the work of Pope Pius XII, writes io9.
"At the same time, Catholics take no issue with the Big Bang theory, along with cosmological, geological, and biological axioms touted by science. [I]n fact, our great Roman Catholic Church has recognized Darwinian evolution for the past 60 years." [dating to the late 1800's]
"Darwin’s theory provides for a stand alone system. Evolution is fully autonomous process that does not require any guiding “rationality” to function. It’s an agonizingly slow, brutish, and insanely methodical process, but it works."
Remember what I said up top. Mr. Atheist and Mr. agnostic it doesn't matter if you believe in a god, it doesn't matter if you believe in a devil either, it doesn't matter if you believe in a creator... "they" did back then and "they" still do today.
So you need to comprehend and let it sink in that it is from this point of "their" perspective that everything else stems from.
Forget that it is a "round" world or a "flat" earth. Understand that the round world came about to disprove "their" belief that there is a God or a higher power, and to hide this being, this god, this creator from everyone else that came after.
Look at it like this... Let's you and I say the place "they" lived and we are living today is really flat, and they knew for whatever reason believed it was. So with "their" belief because remember first and foremost they are the Jesuit order. They assumed because of their belief that somebody or something made this place in which they lived. You also need to remember that at this time in the 1500's evolution and the big bang didn't exist, so they had nothing else to grasp onto other than what "they" think is a higher power.
So to stay with the premise: These religious leaders are perhaps saying to themselves "Somehow we showed up born alive in this place. We have come to learn it is flat, I wonder who made it? We don't like this being, this creator." So the Jesuits came up with a different model to hide the construct of this place from everyone else, so others wouldn't believe in a different higher power, other than the one that "they" assert. Or show others a way to get to that bigger power but through them. All the while leading those who believe them down "their" path towards their God, the one of sun worship. Remember its all about their path that they believe is to the true and correct god. The Catholic Church has been the ultimate authority on all things at this time and centuries before and a couple centuries after. And no one else.
So Mr. Atheist and Mr. Agnostic drop your egos. As much as you would want to believe that this is about you and what you think. It has nothing to do with you. This is about their belief system and you are just a passenger on this journey. And not only that Mr. Atheist and Mr. Agnostic you my friends are playing catchup. So understand fully this has nothing to do with what you believe. It's not about you. On the contrary, it has everything to do with what "they" believe today, yesterday, and tomorrow.
Part 2 will cover one of the other members in this Lucifarian Controlled New World Order System.
There are allegories embedded within the religions of the world and Freemasonry. These allegories describe scientific and some philosophic concepts that one could say fall within the realm of occult pseudoscience or superstition.
The craft of Freemasonry has historical and scientific inference, but they never show you the whole picture. So a cult or a cultish religion is what is perhaps left? Freemasonry asserts that it’s a “progressive science” and they do accept people of all religions while claiming that it is not a religion itself.
To be cont
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Question Authority n their magick!
Time lapse camera fixed pointed at one angle/ spot for hours. What's moving in the video, the earth, the stars or something else? Why do we see the same star constellations for 1000s of years w no change in seasonal position while nasa says earth n galaxies are expanding in space at millions of mph in different directions?
Bc NASAhole devils are speaking BS LIES!
earth spins at 1040mph,
orbits sun at (66,6)00mph,
Milky Way rockets at 500,000mph
universe expands from BIG BANG at 670,000,000mph,
yet w all these motions in different directions, the stars never change in their seasonal positions for thousands of years. In fact, when using timelapse video, the stars look like they are fixed in a dome that’s rotating around the flat stationary earth.