Friday, May 29, 2015

Thinking about God's Grace by Tuese

Thinking About God's Grace
by Tuese C. Ahkiong

singing with a choir of saints
for the glory and fame of The Lord
my heart trembles and faints
at the presence of God’s Righteousness, Majesty and Sovereignty.
Holy, Holy, Holy;
3 times Holy is He
and wicked, wretched, sinful be me
how is it that I still breathe!!??
when every evil thing about me He sees.
I live my life before an
all-powerful, all-knowing, omnipresent, infinitely Holy God!
Thank you, Lord, for being rich in mercy;
The only reason I am given another breath.
But more, so, I’m lavished and found by Your loving grace
By which I will never see death
because Jesus took my place.
In Christ I boast and stand
I cannot be snatched from His hand.
And while I live out Your plan
Upon this sinful land
Please sanctify me, Father, I pray!
Keep my heart from going astray.
My sins I hate, please slay,
As you lead me in the way,
I bless You for making me Yours
You created a new heart in me that cannot help but sing your praise.
You filled me with your righteousness, peace and joy of your precious Holy Spirit.
My heart is totally Compelled
To tell
Of Your amazing love,
The wonderful Gospel.
You, O Lord, are The Gospel,
The Good News.
You in my life is everything to me.
You are my life and I live to worship You.
You are my treasure and I live to glory in You forever.

Poems by Tuese

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